Hello future SAFE Examiner!

Thank you for your interest in providing timely, compassionate, survivor-centered care to patients seeking treatment for sexual assault. Active trainings are listed below, please follow the link to register or email Karolina Valentine, our SAFE Training Coordinator with any questions.

40-hour SAFE Training Course

Our 40-hour SAFE training course is a DOH and IAFN-approved course for RNs, NPs, CNMs, PAs, MDs or and DOs. The training consists of 3 consecutive full days of live, online lectures, a 3-hour clinical session to work with a gynecological teaching associate (required for RNs, optional for non-RNs) followed by online coursework (readings, quizzes, case studies) to be completed within one month of the 3rd live online day. Completion of this course is a requirement for any provider seeking NY-SAFE certification through NYSDOH. This course runs 3 times a year, January, May, and September. The cost is $475 per person without the clinical day; $675 with the clinical day.

Advanced Practitioner Course

Our SAFE Course for Advanced Practitioners, open only to NPs, CNMs, PAs, MDs or and DOs, is a fully online, self-paced training, consisting of 8-9 hours of content (recorded lectures, quizzes, and required and optional reading). Those who complete this course are not eligible for NY-SAFE certification through NYSDOH. Our course provides all the essential skills required for those in advanced medical practice to competently perform SAFE examinations and a certificate of completion is awarded by us (CVTC SAFE Training Institute). This credential is accepted at all of the hospitals across the city. The course runs 3 times a year: March, July, and November. The cost is $100 per person.